Since I don't have time to post much this week, I thought I'd share another random conversation from last weekend.
The scene: Late Saturday night (possibly early Sunday morning), sitting around the kitchen table playing cards and drinking beer. I doubt you'll have needed that last part of the explanation, as this conversation should make it painfully obvious that something stronger than water was being consumed.
He: "Did I tell you they remodeled the ______ theater, and they are going to start having concerts there.?"
She: "No."
He: "Yeah, and some pretty good people. Bo Bice is going to be there."
She: (with excitement) "Bo Bice? I love Bo Bice! I'd go see him."
He: "I knew you would. Oh and Bruce Springsteen."
She: (dumbfounded and disbelieving) "Bruce Springsteen? Here? Seriously?" I am thinking it is unlikely Bruce and Bo would be playing the same venue, but then what the hell do I know.
He: "Yep."
She: "That is awesome! We have to go!"
Time passes. Don't ask me how much...I mentioned the beer, right? A Bruce Springsteen song pops up on the iPod.
He: "Oh. Hold on. Did I say Bruce Springsteen? It's not him."
She: "What's not him?" (I have the attention span of a fruit fly)
He: "It's not Bruce Springsteen who is coming to the theater. It' me."
She and They collectively start shouting out random Bruces, some of whom are dead, and few of whom least not that I know of: "Hornsby?" "Lee?" "Wayne?" "Willis?" "Boxleitner?" "Jenner?"
He: "No! No! It's Bruce...Bruce...SPRINGSTEEN!"
Now this last word was said with such joyous revelation, like he had just discovered something brand new. Of course, we all burst out laughing. I know without the actual audio, you are missing the best part, but trust me, it was hysterical.
He: (quickly realizing his mistake) "Oh wait! No! Maybe his name isn't Bruce after all..."
We are now howling with laughter. Eventually, we catch our breath and give up the mystery. More time passes.
He: (randomly...we had moved on to other subjects) "Oh, wait! It was Rick Springfield!"
I am literally crying writing still makes me laugh so.
I don't think I will ever again hear a Bruce Springsteen (or Rick Springfield) song without thinking "Bruce...Bruce...SPRINGSTEEN!"
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago
Hee. I love that you were suggesting Bruces who are dead--now, that would sell a ton of tickets to have them make an appearance. . .
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious.